Los Santos Police Department
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Application Richard

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Application Richard Empty Application Richard

Post  RichardCadet Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:02 pm

Application Richard Recruitment

Personal Details

1) Surname: Bland
1.1 ) Forename: Richard
1.2 ) Gender: Male
1.3 ) Age: 21
1.4 ) Phone Number: (N/A)

1.5) Date and City of Birth: 1/8/1987 Quebec, Canada
1.6) Education record: (Name of High School attendance, College attendance) Alabama Crimson Tide university, Degree in Criminal Justice
1.7) Are you currently in employment?: <Yes/No> No
1.7.1 ) If yes, what is your current occupation?:
1.8 Do you hold a full Los Santos Driving License?: Yes
1.9 ) Has your driving license ever been suspended?: No

2.) Can you communicate effectively (Verbally & writing) in the English language? (OOC): Yes

2.1 Why would you like to join the Central Bureau and mostly the Police Department?(Atleast 100 words) Hello, first of all I am Richard Bland and I am from Quebec City, in Canada. I am living in Los Santos, since when I was 10 years old. My dad quilted my mom because he had no choice to do it, since he did some violent crime on her, I will tell you more about this. When I was young, my dad had some connections between the local MC and sometimes, my dad had to bring his friends, to sleep at my house. He was one of them, I saw everything. My mom was against the violence and everything that is coming with it, she was a peaceful person. My dad had some BIG drugs problem, my mom was trying to make him understand, that he will have to leave this or she will leave him.. so he was angry about that. Back in 1991, he decided that day that it will be the last day that he will see his wife, so he decided to take possession of a knife at 10 AM and my mom was working that day. One hour later, he decided to go her working place. Now, he is on the location, he went straight to it.. running towards my mom, placing the knife on her chest. People were crying of fear, but finally someone called 911 and he is now in-jail for his life-time. My mom was scared from being in the same country as him, so that is the reason that we moved here.

So now I will explain why I want to join the LSPD. First of all, I am still the young kid that is trying to get my dad in-jail since he is out now wanted, since he was a part of them 1% and he was beating up my mom and everything and my mom explained something to me that when I was young, I was reading everything that was related to the LAW Enforcements and I was really interested about everything related to this. My dream were always to get a job as a police officer in any States, but now I am applying for the LSPD and as I know the LSPD is the most notorious PD in the USA. I have a lot of respect for the PD, and if you guys are giving me a chance to make my way in, you will be surprised and I will make my best to give something else to the department, trust me. And now, in LS I am an very outgoing and creative human being. At the moment the people around me, that I am hanging with they grew up in the rough parts of East Los Santos. And while I was a child, and matter of fact threw out my whole life I have seen multiple people selling narcotics outside, base heads coming from every direction to grab their shot, It sickens me to see people so dealing with drugs that they did do anything for it. And now in Los Santos there is only two opinions for the younger generation around my neighborhood, either to be 'Down with the set' which didn't seem an very exciting life to live nor the right choice for an individual like me. Or study my mind and become well aware of the other things that you can do on earth. So to finish this story, I really want to be a part of that department, since I have been looking for that opportunity for a while!
One of my final point is that I know I got my place in the department.. I have been studying for several years, in Canada. I am against the organized crime, and there is something that I hate to see when I am driving around Los-Santos is that when I see a young guy dealing drugs all around the corner, and there is no one to give him another chance in his life, to give him education or something.. and that's what I would like to try. Giving a word to the street, helping them to get out of these streets, that is the thing that need to be done in Los Santos.. and that is what I am going going to try, atleast!

2.2Do you have any recommendations from any Police Officer?If yes list them here:

Out Of Character Questions.
Age(OOC): 14

Location(OOC): USA

Timezone(OOC): Eastern

Do you have an previous roleplay knowledge? Yes

Best regards,
Application Richard RULogo


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-01-22

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Application Richard Empty Re: Application Richard

Post  [LSPD]Miller Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:14 pm


Welcome to the Los Santos Police Department,Central Bureau . you'll now begin the Cadet academy , under the supervision of Ex-Chief Milez or Any Head officers in the central bureau , and depending on your Performance , we will see if you are going to be hired in the LSPD , Central Bureau .

Signed :
Steve Miller
Chief of centra bureau division .

Application Richard 24115id
Police Sergeant

Posts : 34
Join date : 2012-01-06
Location : Egypt

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