Los Santos Police Department
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Central Bureau Recruitment Process

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Central Bureau Recruitment Process Empty Central Bureau Recruitment Process

Post  [LSPD]Milez Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:24 pm

Central Bureau Recruitment Process Recruitment

First of all there are three stages.

Application Stage: First of all,if you wish to join the Central Bureau,you have to make an application using the correct format given at a topic..If you get accepted you can proceed to the recruitment process.

Interview Stage:The interview stage is all In Character,Out Of Character its called as the "Role Play Test".If you fail the interview you have to apply again,If you pass you can proceed to the Academy.

Academy and Examination Stage:While passing the interview,then you have to do the academy.Academy doesn't mean being online allday and spamming an officer to /ra to patrol with you.Academy is learning stuff about the Police Department and then getting an examination on them since you have to write everything down(Screenshot OOC) because you will need them.If you fail the examination stage,you will have to start from all over again.

((Dont post here))


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Join date : 2012-01-20

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