Los Santos Police Department
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Respect on the Streetz

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Respect on the Streetz Empty Respect on the Streetz

Post  Mansilla Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:17 pm

Something non-rlpy happend today. I was alone in the Streetz without any other [LSPD] Men. I was bored so i start to make a roleplay about a Patrol Routine, i make my own going by the streetz loking for someone to do some questions and leave them later. Some shit i do when i'm bored. I Know it was wrong what i did, being cadet i can't go every place without a member of the [LSPD] but i can't stay all day in the Departament. ((Sorry). Well the problem was in Glen Park. I Stop there and i wait for someone who appears and stop him, well someone pass i stop him i ask him some shit, BUT, a member of the KTB spawn, and he comes over me and he writes "What tha fak..", He forces me to leave the place, and i told him that it was just a routine patrol some shit, anyways he pull out a weapon and aim me, WHILE i was doing a good roleplaying with a citizen. He interrupt and don't respect me. Well the point is that this happend 3 Times i think. One other mem without gang just told me "Fucking cop" and start fighting me, and other KTB men try to rob me and fight me. This is seriously for me, Citizen don't respect CADETS, and they don't respect other forces, they forses us to make the Roleplay that THEY WANT, not the rp as like you see on the Real life streetz. People when they saw cops they try to go out walking, thinking that nothing happend, they don't come and try to rob you.

That is one of the reason that i want to become LSPD, they respect you a littler more if they saw in your name the tag [LSPD], it just for respect you know. I fell Shit roleplaying like this, i can't do nothing because they force me to do a roleplay that i don't want and i don't think it's correct. Anyways i will wait for your answers, and i will stell trying roleplaying like a cadet.

See you all in game!. Pce.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2012-01-12

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